Commercial Loan Training – Lender Endorsed – Cal Commercial Advisors

Commercial Loan Training - Lender Endorsed - Cal Commercial Advisors

Here is your first step in learning how to pre-qualify your commercial loans before you submit them to your lender

Learn tax return & cash flow ysis for multifamily, retail, owner user (SBA), single tenant, mixed use and all investor properties

I have written these Ebooks in exactly the way I yze my loan transactions and property ysis. I’ve been using these methods for years and they have served me well for the hundreds of commercial loans that I’ve originated.

Bank loan officers, et managers and your prospective clientele will appreciate working with an experienced mortgage broker rather than one who is merely "cutting-his-teeth" on the loan transaction.

These commercial loan training ebooks are unique and one-of-a-kind…that’s why they are endorsed by the commercial lenders.

Book 1: "How To yze Tax Returns For Cash Flow…Qualifying Borrowers For Commercial Real Estate Loans"

Tax return cash flow ysis is easy.With these commercial loan training manuals, you will learn how to abstract the necessary income & expenses from your borrower’s tax returns.

Cash flow abstract made simple…all you do is move figures from the tax returns to the cash flow yzer. Arrive at your bottom line with a simple calculator or use the cash flow templates provided.

It’s an easy and efficient way to prequalify your borrower’s cash flow position when working with their tax returns

You have provided a means to effectively vet a deal, and to create a positive and timely experience for borrower (if used properly)

Every bank has their own underwriting criterion, but you have covered the essential basics of Cash Flow ysis."

"I’ve never seen a commercial loan training manual so detailed; it does not only tell you the how, but also the why; which makes it easier to comprehend".

"If you are new to commercial loan origination, this is the first place to start with your training".

In this manual, are the templates and the guidelines that I use when pre-qualifying the income/expense streams for commercial, owner user and multifamily properties.

If you don’t know enough about loan ysis, DCR requirements, net operating income, cap rates, etc., and you are doing commercial loans…then you need commercial loan training.

Don’t be a "hit & run" loan agent! You want your commercial loan business to repeat itself through referrals from your clientele base.

I honestly can’t place value on these commercial loan training ebooks. The market could easily command 4 to 5 times more than the price of these books.

The one thing I can ure you of though, is… "If you’ve never done commercial loan pre-qualification like this, then it will be a wake-up call for you…because this is how it is done!" Go to store

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