30 days from now you could have your own thriving Scrapbooking business … you can work your own hours from home … wake when you want … revolve it around family commitments – and take control of your financial destiny once and for all doing something you LOVE!
If you are interested in making money from your favourite hobby, scrapbooking … then this is going to be the most exciting message you ever read.
Did you know that you can earn up to $100 an hour scrapbooking for others? It’s true.
Did you also know that some people will pay you up to $3,000 to "scrapbook" their wedding day photos? Amazing, isn’t it?
Well now let me tell you how you can start earning this sort of income … from home… using the simple skills of scrapbooking, and a few marketing secrets.
Introducing my amazing new e-book called, "How To Make Money Scrapbooking." It covers nearly everything you need to know about getting up and started in your own scrapbooking business … as soon as TOMORROW.
Your book finally gave my mother and myself the courage to move forward with this dream of ours. Thanks for all your help!!!
And the bonuses were wonderful too. We are learning those things that we will need to know to successfully achieve our clients wants, needs and goals.
Would that be nice? Doing what you love – scrapbooking … and doing it when it suits your lifestyle. And can you imagine how great you’ll feel if you were getting PAID to do it?
Wouldn’t it be great to work from home? Not having to battle the peak hour traffic or sit on dirty public transport? How would it make you feel to be your own boss … and for people to be proud to be have you ‘scrapbook’ for them?
Just a few weeks from now you could be earning between $50 and $100 an hour doing what you love.
Did you hear that? $50-$100 an hour! Some professional business people don’t make anywhere near that per hour.
And imagine being able to start your scrapbooking business while you’re working at your current job? You can definitely do that. Imagine being in control of how much money you make. Some scrapbookers can easily make over $5,000 a month (that’s $60,000 a year). Not bad just for working from home, huh?
You could take holidays when you want (and enjoy the feeling of knowing that every cent came from doing something you’re truly p ionate about)
You could buy a whole ton of materials and accessories as tax deductions (hey, that’s the extra little freedoms you have when you’re in business)
You could work around your family commitments – or you could work late into the night (there’s no boss telling you what to do or what hours you can work)
I am hoping to earn extra income scrapbooking for those who just don’t have the time! I can hardly put the book down! Thank you for putting so much time…
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